Graduation ceremony

Introduction to the Platform

How It Works

Step 1Step 1

Sign Up

Sign-up to Hire-Ed, gain access to 4 modules (over 50 video’s) covering all aspects of employability.

Step 2Step 2

Complete Modules

Complete the full course and not only feel more confident in your communication and interview skills, you also get access to Hire-Ed’s exclusive GradHub.

Step 3Step 3

Increase your employability

Apply to your preferred graduate programs through the GradHub portal, with industry partners who recognize the importance of your increased employability.

Step 4Step 4

Land your dream grad role

Ace your interview, secure your dream graduate role and carry these interview skills through the rest of your career

ed landing

Meet Ed

Your Virtual Learning Assistant

Like many, Ed faced the daunting challenge of securing a job in today’s fiercely competitive graduate job market. Despite his qualifications and eagerness to learn, Ed struggled to articulate the relevant skills and experience he had in an interview, given he’d never been through a graduate recruitment (or even a formal interview) process before.Ed is here to help students achieve their ultimate goal, employment; after all the hard work to succeed at university and gain the knowledge to have a meaningful career in their chosen field, Hire-Ed’s objective is to provide students with a platform that delivers the last piece in the puzzle and bridges the gap between university and industry. Put simply, Hire-Ed’s sole purpose is to enable students to excel in their graduate interviews and land their dream graduate role.

Our Industry Partners

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Basic plan
1 Module
What’s Included
12 month access to one module of your choice
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Full platform access
4 Modules
What’s Included
Full platform access, all four modules with 12 months access
Exclusive Access to the GradHub when launched.
Exclusive Access to the Practice Hub when launched.
Hire-Ed Micro-Learning Credential
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Enterprise plan
4 Modules
What’s Included
Full Access to the platform
Custom content
Hire-Ed Micro-Learning Credential
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What Our Students Have Said About Us

“I found it very insightful, the techniques you taught for finding a graduate role in the tech industry were super helpful!”

Hsiao Huang
Macquarie University Student

“I particularly enjoyed your advice on making connections with recruiters who specialize in my domain. Your guidelines for enhancing my LinkedIn profile were priceless; I found them very helpful in presenting a more professional image!”

Hooman Hooshyar
Macquarie University Student

“This content is super practical and value-adding, the pain point questions in our applications are overcome in this content. I have shared this the platform to all my friends and I have told them how valuable it is!”

Nabo Komaisavai
Macquarie University Student